
PPG Babylon 5

 Deuxieme PPG dans l'armurerie orbitale.  Celui-là est une resine imprimée ,realisée par The Imperial Factory. Les pieces sont imeccables et ne demandent que tres peu de preaparation avant peinture. Par rapport au post precedent, ce PPG me semble meilleur niveau dimensions. Cette arme devait certainement appartenir à un membre du Corps PSI.

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello Manchu. My name is Todd. I've been trying to contact your gallery (Bureau 21) to buy a print of your art as I really love your style but I have been unsuccessful in contacting them. If there's any way you can help me I would love to be able to purchase a print of yours. My email is osutodd23@gmail.com. Thank you very much in advance if you can help me I've been trying for a long time to get one specific print.

